Thursday, October 4, 2012


im back!!!!yay!!!well yeah.i went to philadelphia with my mom and my sis.i have never been there before,it was cooooool!!my mom says she might get me a camera soon!im excited about that =D.i dont know why i made the text on here pink...c=.bye!!!
-kara =D


  1. Oh! Kara! You don't need a camera for taking pictures on the computer! Here I'll give you a link to where you can take these things called "Screen-shots". If you're going to get a camera, I suggest not...well....Wasting? your money I guess....Not really....BUT, you can make AG and AJ vids...So just buy it anyways! ;D. AND you can get a youtube with a google account! :D. If you do...My youtube is AGInParadise >:3.

    1. but,wheres the link? LOL. wait,i think i know what those are!i just cant take them =p.but i just got a camera...i think im going to start a youtube!about aj.only maybe though =).

  2. Oh, ANNNNDDDDD, If you do create a youtube about animal jam you can use this thing called "" just type that in your search bar, and you should be able to find it :D. Sorry for 2 ish-long comments XDD.


Im Hungry :/